First symptoms 

At his nine months Alexey crawled actively and stood up holding on to a bed, tried to make his first steps. On May he was given a milk in a bottle after nine months of breast feeding. From April, 30 to May, 21 Atlasovs were on leave and Alesha stayed with his Grandmother and an Aunt in Yakutsk. The first days he cried and couldn't sleep without Mom. On May, 17, 2001 he caught influenza and had a fever (a temperature was 37,2 - 37,5), had no appetite. By the time the family came back he lost weight and met them weak and exhausted. Since May, 22 Alesha had regular vomiting after the meal and before, rest of the time he had a feeling of nausea. The first week he vomited in the mornings, milk gushed forth of the nose and a mouth. Alesha became weak, soon he stopped standing up while crawling and lied down to have a rest. On June, 4 Alesha with his Mom went in to Medical Center of Maternity and Childhood, Yakutsk. After having tests of alimentary canal including ultra sound, x - ray and two ultra sound tests of the head, doctors couldn't set up the diagnosis. By that time vomiting became much more stronger and a boy almost stopped eating, just at the sight of a bottle he felt nausea. Alesha became sleepy, couldn't seat, had no appetite. Only the second neuropathologist prescribed a consultation of neurosurgeon. After MRI we understood that the tumor pressed upon a brain Alesha's posterior fossa that caused vomiting.

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